Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

1. It was (enough/too) cold to go to the beach
2. Are you well (enough/too) to go to school?
3. I am not brave (enough/too) to go on stage
4. Lisa and Nick want (to go/going) on holiday
5. Do you know how to (ski/skiing) ?
6. Karen hates (to go/going) to the dentist
7. Were looking forward to (travel/travelling) to China
8. Im sure everyone is tired of (listen/listening) to the same song over and over again
9. I always go (to swim/swimming) in the summer

Заранее спасибо❤

Ответ оставил Гость

1 Too
2 enough
3 enough
4 to go
5 to ski
6 going
7 travelling
8 listening
9 swimming

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