Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

2. Write the verbs in the necessary grammar forms.
1. The boy did not watch this program every day, yesterday he did not watch it either.
2. I _____ (pass) my English exam from 10 till 11 tomorrow.
3. I ____ already _____ (read) “Harry Potter”. What about you? _____ you ____ (read) it?
4. She ______ (cook) dinner since morning, but it ________ (not be) ready yet.
5. At the moment I _____ (do) my homework and my little sisters ______ (play) with their toys.
6. My family _____ (go) to the seaside next summer.
7. We ____ (learn) a new English poem from 6 till 7 yesterday.
8. It sometimes _______ (rain) in spring, but yesterday we _______ (have) a heavy shower.

Ответ оставил Гость

2) Im passing
3) I have already read
4) She has been cooking
5) Im doing
6) Are going to go
7) learnt
8) rains, had
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