Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Complete the text. Choose the correct options, A, B, C or D. Ronnie Biggs is probably one of the most famous 1 _______________ in Britain. In August 1963, with 14 other gang members he stole 2.6 million pounds from a mail train travelling 2 _______________ London. However, he 3 _______________ in September and he went to prison for 30 years. But Biggs 4 _______________ escaped and ran away to Australia with his wife and sons. They 5 _______________ there for 3 years when the police found out that they were in the country. Biggs knew that if he 6 _______________ in Australia he would be arrested and sent back to the UK, so he took a boat to Brazil. Biggs lived a relatively relaxed life in Brazil 7 _______________ 2001, when he returned to the UK. The police 8 _______________ him as soon as he got off the plane and sent him back to jail. However, Biggs 9 _______________ a free man since 2009, when he was released because of 10_______________ health problems. 1 A arsonists B burglars C criminals D muggers 2 A at B between C over D towards 3 A caught B had caught C has been caught D was caught 4 A quick B quickness C quickest D quickly 5 A had been living B have lived C lived D were living 6 A has stayed B stayed C stays D was staying 7 A for B from C since D until 8 A arrested B asked C flew D invited 9 A had been B has been C is D was 10 A dishonest B dull C gripping D serious

Ответ оставил Гость

1. D
2. A
3. D
4. D
5. D
6. A
7. B
8. A
9. D
10. D

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