Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

9 Your American friend is coming with you to a special family occasion. Write him/her an email
to tell him/her what to expect.
 Tell him/her when and where it is and explain who is going to be there.
 Explain what the occasion is and say what he/she should/should not bring.
 Mention one other custom or tradition that he/she should be aware of.
 Invite your friend to stay the night and recommend something to do the next day.

Ответ оставил Гость

Hi Dan,
You are going to visit Russia, arent you? My mother is having a birthday.
We live in city called Kryzhopol. I will explain where it is going to be, wheb you will come. There will be my bald father and my hairy son, it will be great!
As I said, it will be my mothers birthday. Bring money with you, much money.
Than, we will go to the basement, it is very interesting there!
I hope you will come to Russia, beacause people are very cool there.
With love,

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