Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary in contrast. Choose the correct word.
1) These days, many parents find it difficult to assist / support a large family.
2) Forgetting to thank us for dinner is usual / typical of George.
3) My grandma doesnt have any close / near family her own age left.
4) In ancient / old times, people had a very different view of the world.
5) Who was to blame / fault for the argument?
6) Dont you know its kind / polite to close your mouth when you are eating?
7) Nathans parents were very enjoyed / pleased when they saw him in the school play.
8) I have a very good connection / relationship with my mother.

Ответ оставил Гость

1 support
2 typical
3 close
4 ancient
5 blame
6 polite
7 pleased
8 relationship

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