Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Task 3. Comment on the following issues (at least 80 words).
Describe a visit to a place that you will always remember.
- Write what place it was and describe it.
- Describe what you were doing there and explain why you will remember it.

Ответ оставил Гость

I will remember for the whole life my grandparents village house. I lived there on my summer vacation The house was large enough , with a lot of rooms in it. Near the place was a small hen house so you could always watch for hens , walking around .
I spent my days, playing with neighbourhood children, helping my grandma with household chores. I think, the best thing was food that my grandma cooked, especially piroshki. The pastry was so tasty it melted in a mouth.I also remember my leisure with granfather when we struggled around the village and he told me fun stories from the time he was young. 
Its touches my heart every time I think about those time, because i was careless child with no problems.

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