Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Uderline the correct variant,paying attention to the collective nouns.
1. A pack of wolves (is seen/ are seen) in the distsnce.
2. Clothes (is made, are made) of various materials, such as wool or cotton.
3. The cattle (is, are) in the shed.
4. There (is, are) usually many goods in the department store.
5. The sweepings (is, are)always seen in her room whenever you enter it.

Ответ оставил Гость

1. A pack of wolves is seen in the distsnce.
2. Clothes are made of various materials, such as wool or cotton.
3. The cattle are in the shed.
4. There are usually many goods in the department store.
5. The sweepings are always seen in her room whenever you enter it. 

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