Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Помогите с английским пожалуйста.
1) If artists have gotten a boost from Western musicians, they have …
Варианты: а) been strongly influenced by those musicians. б) worked closely with those musicians. в) received support from those musicians.
2) Haunting music is …
а) complicated. б) unforgettable. в) frightening.
3) A synonym of mend is …
а) define. б) establish. в) repair.
4) These statements come from the readings "The World of World Music" and "J-Ball". Read each statement and then answer the questions that follow. A generic name is a …
а) name that is hard to forget. б) new name. в) general name.
5) A rival league is …
а) a successful one. б) a competing one. в) an older one.
6) The word cosmopolitan has about the same meaning as …
а) well known. б) international. в) fascinating.
7) A revered player is …
а) tremendously talented. б) very well-paid. в) greatly admired.
8) If something is defunct, it is …
а) not as important as it used to be. б) completely forgotten. в) no longer in existence.
9) The phrase on the heels of is another way to say …
а) in spite of. б) just after. в) because of.
10) Diverse is close in meaning to the word …
а) varied. б) pleasing. в) exotic.

Ответ оставил Гость

Фразы могут иметь разные значимости в зависимости от мнений. По моему мнению так правильно:
1) Вариант б.
If artists have gotten a boost from Western musicians, they have worked closely with those musicians.
2)  a)
Haunting music is complicated.
3) в)
A synonym of mend is repair.
4) б)
A generic name is a new name.
5) а)
A rival league is a successful one.
6) б)
The word cosmopolitan has about the same meaning as international.
7) а)
A revered player is tremendously talented.
8) а)
If something is defunct, it is not as important as it used to be.
9) б)
The phrase on the heels of is another way to say just after.
10) а)
Diverse is close in meaning to the word varied.

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