Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Можно сочинение на "benefits of hobbies"? Выгода хобби.

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Hobbies encourage taking a break. Hobbies offer an opportunity to take a break—but a break with a purpose. If youre like me, you might like to feel productive while youre engaging in an activity and a hobby gives you that. You are doing something while still having fun. Hobbies are great ways to take a break from your busy life while still having a sense of purpose.
2. Hobbies promote eustress.
Eustress is that positive kind of stress, the kind that makes you feel excited about what youre doing and about life. Hobbies, Ive found, are one of the greatest ways to access that kind of stress. When youre doing something you love—something you dont have to do for any other reason other than the fact that you love it—you feel a rush of excitement and joy.
3. Hobbies offer a new challenge. Hobbies break up routine sand challenge you in new ways, ways that are different from work, ways that are positive . The great thing about picking up a new hobby is that it provides an excellent outlet for challenging yourself without the negative stress that comes from a work-related challenge. The new challenge can also open your mind to new ways of seeing the world.
4. Hobbies unite you with others. Even if you engage in a solo activity, like illustrating, youre exposing yourself to a new world of people, people who find the same thing enjoyable that you do. Though I dont talk much about illustrating in the "real world," online I find myself connecting with all kinds of people who are passionate about what I too feel excited about.
5. Hobbies provide an outlet for stress. Adding another activity to your to-do list might seem like a way to create
more stress, but Ive found that engaging in a new hobby actually provides a great outlet for releasing stress. By focusing on a non-work-related task, youre giving your mind something else to focus on. And when you really get in the flow, all of your worries and stresses seem to fade away.
6. Hobbies promote staying present. If you really love what youre doing, you tend to get in the flow or zone and really, truly focus on the moment. When Im working on an illustration, hours can magically fly by because Im so intensely focused on what Im doing. Instead of worrying about the future or dwelling on the past, Im completely and undeniably in the present.

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