Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Test 5. Complete the sentences with а necessary form of the words in brackets. 1. These cakes are probably the (good) in the world. 2. I am (happy) than I have ever been. 3. The game will certainly be much (exciting) than it was last year. 4. For (far) information, please write to the above address. 5. The (old) member of her family is her Granny. 6. He did very badly in the exam – (bad) than expected. 7. He was the (fat) man 1 had ever met. 8. This is the (attractive) room in the whole house. 9. Our new house is (big) than the one we used to live in. 10. Jill can run as (fast) as Jack. 11. My brother has (much) money than I have. 12. This is the (bad) weather so far this year. 13. Travelling by train is (comfortable) than travelling by bus. 14. The bedroom isn’t so (light) as the living-room. 15. Tom is the (reserved) boy in this class. 16. It’s getting (hard) and (hard) to find а job nowadays. 17. Summer is the (dry) period of the year. 18. ‘What time shall we leave?’ ‘The (soon), the (good).’ 19. It’s (cheap) to go by car than by train. 20. Tom looks (old) than he really is.

Ответ оставил Гость

1. These cakes are probably the (best) in the world. 2. I am (happier) than I have ever been. 3. The game will certainly be much (more exciting) than it was last year. 4. For (farther) information, please write to the above address. 5. The (oldest) member of her family is her Granny. 6. He did very badly in the exam – (worse) than expected. 7. He was the (fattest) man I had ever met. 8. This is the (most attractive) room in the whole house. 9. Our new house is (bigger) than the one we used to live in. 10. Jill can run as (fast) as Jack. 11. My brother has (more) money than I have. 12. This is the (worst) weather so far this year. 13. Travelling by train is (more comfortable) than travelling by bus. 14. The bedroom isn’t so (light) as the living-room. 15. Tom is the (most reserved) boy in this class. 16. It’s getting (harder) and (harder) to find а job nowadays. 17. Summer is the (driest) period of the year. 18. ‘What time shall we leave?’ ‘The (sooner), the (better).’ 19. It’s (cheaper) to go by car than by train. 20. Tom looks (older) than he really is.

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