Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

A.1. A lot ... tourists ... various countries arrive ... Russia. 2.The children enjoyed riding ... the metro and going ... escala tors which led ... the platforms. 3. We were taken ... the town ... the guide. 4. Mary was most interested ... the museums. She was impressed ... the beautiful things she saw there. 5. ... Sunday we went ... the Recreation Park, we walked ... the alleys. The leaves ... the trees were turning red, brown and yellow. It was 258 like being ... the country, and only the noise ... the streets ... the distance reminded us that we were still ... the city. 6. We greatly enjoyed a ride ... the city ... a taxi. 7. The buildings built.... the suburbs are as modern and beautiful as those ... the centre ... the town. 8. Most ... the places ... interest are as a rule situated ... the centre ... the town. 9. Tourists always admire the Moscow metro, the beauty ... its architecture different ... each station. 10. There were crowds ... people ... the streets ... the first ... Janu ary. 11. ... which direction did he go? — He was walking ... the direction ... Red Square. 12. I planned to leave ... Sochi ... the 5th July. 13. These splendid multi storeyed houses are inhabited ... the workers ... the automobile plant. 14. ... all the theatres ... Moscow she prefers the Bolshoi (theatre). 15. We went ... sight seeing tours whenever we had time. 16. ... their great surprise the picture did not impress me ... all. 17. The dean’s speech made a great impression ... the students. 18. They were sitting side ... side. 19. We were all greatly impressed ... his knowledge ... so many foreign languages. 20. I came ... these old photos when I was looking ... my passport. 21. Can you make room ... another boy ... that desk?

Ответ оставил Гость

A.1.A lot .of.. tourists .from.. various countries arrive .in.. Russia. 2.Thechildren enjoyed riding .by.. the metro and going .on.. escalators whichled ..to. the platforms. 3. We were taken .to.. the town .by.. the guide. 4.Mary was most interested ..in. the museums. She was impressed ..by. thebeautiful things she saw there. 5. .On.. Sunday we went ..to. the RecreationPark, we walked ..through. the alleys. The leaves ..of. the trees were turningred, brown and yellow. It was  like being ..in. the country, and onlythe noise .from.. the streets .in.. the distance reminded us that we werestill .in.. the city. 6. We greatly enjoyed a ride .round.. the city .in.. ataxi. 7. The buildings built..in.. the suburbs are as modern and beautifulas those ..in. the centre .of.. the town. 8. Most .of.. the places .of..interest are as a rule situated .in.. the centre .of.. the town. 9. Touristsalways admire the Moscow metro, the beauty .of.. its architecturedifferent .at.. each station. 10. There were crowds .of.. people ..in. thestreets .on.. the first .of.. January. 11. .In.. which direction did he go? —He was walking .in.. the direction ..of. Red Square. 12. I planned to leave.(for).. Sochi .on.. the 5th July. 13. These splendid multi storeyed housesare inhabited .by.. the workers .of.. the automobile plant. 14. ..Of. all thetheatres .in/of.. Moscow she prefers the Bolshoi (theatre). 15. We went ..on.sight seeing tours whenever we had time. 16. .To.. their great surprisethe picture did not impress me ..at. all. 17. The dean’s speech made agreat impression ..on. the students. 18. They were sitting side ..by. side.19. We were all greatly impressed .with.. his knowledge ..of. so many foreignlanguages. 20. I came .upon.. these old photos when I was looking ..for. mypassport. 21. Can you make room .for. another boy .at.. that desk?

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