Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Ten-year-old Matt is standing on the edge of the His family and relatives are calling out to him from below. He cant hear what theyre saying because his is than their calls. Natt is afraid. Suddenly, he hears his mothers voice. "Just jump, Matt! Youre probably wondering whats going on. Why would mother telling son to jump off a Well, in Matts family its a phrase you hear all the time and Matts jump is his initiation into the family business Matt was born into a family of stuntmen. In fact, the family has been doing death-defying stunts since the 1930s. They are the fearless Eppers of Hollywood and danger is their middle name. Matt is the fourth generation of Eppers who might carry on the business. If youre watching someone hanging from a helicopter or a dangerous car stunt, its probably an Epper doing a hard days work. They have appeared in films like Die Hard, Commando and Transformers. 0f all the crazy risk takers in this family, there is one name that stands out as being the toughest of the bunch. Her name is Jeannie Epper who happens to be Matts great- grandmother. She is considered to be the greatest stunt woman whos ever lived and has received a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 0scars. She has been in the business for over 60 years and is still going strong. She worked as stunt double for Linda Carter in Wonder Woman and Linda Evans in Dynasty So whats it like living with the Eppers? Well, with all the banged-up body parts, you might hear a lot of creaky bones. Every day, somewhere in Hollywood there is an Epper flipping a car or setting themselves on fire. According to Matts great-grandmother, "When we do stunts, theres just no room for fear. You just have to close your eyes and jump!"

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What he cant doing?
What is have?
What he(или she) doing every day?

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