Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Make up sentences in present perfect past perfect or past simple using the words in brackets .
1. they | meet | their opponents . (just)
2. you | not play | your best game . (yet)
3. I | buy | the tickets. (by the time of their arriual )
4. I | visit | a game of cricket . ( when I was in London last year )
5. The coach | talk | to him. (yesterday)
6. I | write | an email to the sponsor . (just)
7. According to legend , the ancient Olympic Game | to be founded | by Herdcle the son of Zeus .
8. I | participate | in two competitions. (since I began exercising )
9. We | hear | the news about your wins . (already)
10. Over 10,000 athletes I take part | in the Olympic Games. (last year)

Ответ оставил Гость

1. They have just met  their opponents.
2. You have not played your best game, yet.
3. By the time of their arrival
had bought the tickets.
4. I  visited a game of cricket when I was in London last year.
5. The coach  talked to him yesterday.
6. I have just written an email to the sponsor.
7. According to legend, the ancient Olympic Game was founded  by Herdcle the son of Zeus.
8. I have participated in two competitions since I began exercising.
9. We have
already heard the news about your wins.
10. Over 10,000 athletes took part  in the Olympic Games (last year.

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