Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Open the brackets using The Present Simple tense.

1. I(go) to school every day.

2. You(read)a lot of books.

3. He(drink)milk in the morning.

4. We(listen)to music every evening.

5. They(speak)about their day in the evening.

6. She(sing)at her music lesson every Wednesday.

7. It(sleep)at the door.

8. Iand my friend(go) to the cinema a lot.

9. Acat and a dog(play) together.

10. A dog(eat) its food.

11. They hockey at school. (to play)

12. She e-mails. (not/to write)

13. you English? (to speak)

14. My parents fish. (not/to like)

15. Anne any hobbies? (to have)

16. Andys brother in an office. (to work)

17. Leroy very fast. (not/to read)

18. Jimand Joe the flowers every week? (to water)

19. Yvonnes mother a motorbike. (not/to ride)

20. Elisabeth cola? (to drink)

Ответ оставил Гость

1) I go
2) You read
3) He drinks
4) We listen
5) They speak
6) She sings
7) It sleeps
8) I and my friend go
9) Acat and a dog play
10) A dog eats
11) They play hockey
12) She doesnt write
13) Do you speak English?
14) My parents dont like
15) Does Anne have..?
16) Andys brother works
17) Leroy doesnt read
18) Не могу понять это один или два человека. Если один, то Does Jimand Joe water the flowers... А если два, то Do Jimand and Joe water...
19) Yvonnes mother doesnt ride
20) Does Elisabeth drink cola?

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