Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Помогите срочно!!! 58 баллов!

I.ऀTranslate the words and open the brackets.
1)ऀI usually (добираюсь) to school by bus.
2)ऀJane is ill. I hope she will soon (выздоровеет) it.
3)ऀI have just (получила) a letter from my friend.
4)ऀI tried to phone you, but I couldn’t (дозвониться).
5)ऀI never (встаю) early on Sundays.

II.ऀFind the mistakes and correct them.

III.ऀWrite sentences using these words. Use Present Perfect Progressive, Present Perfect.
1)ऀShe/her leg/to break.
2)ऀKate / on this project / to work / for two month.
3)ऀJohn / to forgot / already / about that trip.
4)ऀWe / our old teacher / to remember.
5)ऀIt / to rain / since Monday.

IV.ऀTranslate into English.
1.ऀСнег идет уже две недели.
2.ऀ– Что он делает?
- Он играет в теннис.
- Как давно он играет?
- Два часа.
3. Она мыла свою машину с 11 часов.

Ответ оставил Гость

4.call (up)
5.get up
1.She has broken..
2.Kate has been working...
3.John has already forgotten
4.We have remembered...
5.It has been raining...
1.It is snowing already for 2 weeks.
2.What is he doing?
He is playing tennis.
How long has he been playing?
He has been playing for 2 hours.
3.She has been washing her car since 11 oclock.

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