Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Ex. 139. TEST 7. Choose the correct answer.
1. I haven’t seen Jenny _____ .
a) for a long time b) in the last time c) since long d) lastly
2. If you hurry, you will be in Burton _____ midnight.
a) until b) while c) on d) by
3. Don’t drink so much tea, it’s bad _____ your stomach.
a) by b) in c) on d) for
4. It’s nice to be _____ friends.
a) under b) between c) among d) by
5. She spends all her money _____ clothes.
a) for b) on c) in d) to
6. We went by car and the children went _____ foot.
a) on b) by c) to d) with
7. _____ study hard when you were at school?
a) Must you b) Had you c) Did you have to d) Were you
8. Two gangsters entered _____ the bank.
a) – b) in c) on d) to
9. If you come, _____ a friend with you.
a) bring b) take c) fetch d) lift
10. Can you _____ me five pounds?
a) lend b) borrow c) rent d) do
11. Please, drive _____, you’re making me nervous.
a) slow b) more slowly c) more slow d) slowlier
12. Let’s play cards _____ dinner.
a) since b) after c) on d) for
13. Mike is afraid _____ spiders.
a) about b) from c) for d) of
14. We met when we were _____ .
a) in holiday b) during holiday c) on holiday d) by holiday
15. It looks _____ rain.
a) like b) as c) so d) for
16. Why _____ school yesterday?
a) hasn’t she been at b) she wasn’t at c) isn’t she gone to d) wasn’t she at
17. _____ boots were where they left them.
a) The three players’ b) The three player’s
c) The three players d) Three players’ their
18. This is _____ restaurant in Bangkok.
a) the worst b) worst c) the more worse d) the worse
19. He _____ .
a) will be here soon b) will here be soon
c) will be soon here d) soon will be here
20. I’ll wait here _____ 8 o’clock.
a) since b) by c) for d) until

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