Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

The -ding form / The Infinitive
Fill in the table
iri9 the following word
Like, too /enough, dont mind, agree, its worth, want
to, cant help. like. avoid. Imagine, hops
Cant and. look forward
expect, to sum
fancy enjoy, prevent, pion
Use the -ing form
Use the to infinite
Choose the correct answer.
1) I dont mind
(to have / having) a meeting
2) He looks forward to
(to meet / meeting) with her English pen friend
3) I want
(to visit / visiting) my relatives on Christmas.
4) Her Mum cant imagine him
(to get / getting) married to Helen
5) The teacher would like to make his students
(work / working)
6) Lets stop
(to eat eating) at this very moment.
7) We couldnt help
(to smile / smiling) at Charlie Chaplins comedy.
8) What does she prefer
(to travel travelling) by bike or car?
9) Does he fancy
(to eat / eating) Out tonight?
10) It was difficult enough for him
(to learn learning) to do (freediving
Put the verbs into (to) Infinitive or -ing form
1) She cant
(to imagine) him being a firefighter.
2) We didnt want him
(to disturb) them.
3) We dont mind
(to open) the window, its so stuffy
4) He gave up
(to smoke)
5) The song is worth
(to sing)
6) Would you prefer
(to start) with the result ot the experiment?
7) She fancies
(to go) out tomorrow.
в) Its too difficult
(to do) diving in such cold weather.
9) He promised me
(to return) the glasses in an hour.
10) Avoid
(to dress) smart. There are plenty ot robbers

Ответ оставил Гость

1 to have
2 to meet
3 to visit
4 getting
5 work
6 eating
7 to smile
8 to travel
9 eating
10 learning
1 imangine 
2 to disturb 
3 opening
4 smoking 
5 to sing
6 to start
7 to go
8 to do
9 to return
10 to dress

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