Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

13. Open brackets, using verbs in Present Continuous or President Simple.
1. My wife normally_____(to work) at home, but she ____ (to spend) this month in ltaly.
2. Most days, Tom usually ______ (to cycle) to work.
3. When ____ the lesson ____(to start) today?
4. Whats your brother doing? He _____ (to do) the crossword in the newspaper. He____(to do) it every day.
5. Im afraid Ill lose this game of chess. I ____ (to play) very badly.
6. Whats she doing? She ____(to mend) her husbands socks. She always ____ them. (to mend)
7. Yes, you can borrow my dictionary. I _____(to use) it a lot, but l ____ (not/to use) it now.
8. We _____ (not to travel) by train very often.
9. She _____ (to be) particularly generous this week.
10. I _____ (to like) this weather.

Ответ оставил Гость

Короче. добавляешь ко всему -ing. только убираешь "to" если есть. например: to work – working, to swim - swimming.

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