Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Open the brackets and use the right form of the verb.
He (to drive) a car for three hours when he (reach) the airport.
We (to pack) already all our bags when they (to phone) us.
It (to snow) for hours and no plane was able to take off.
Our guide (to organize) our trip before we (to talk ) to him.
She (to wash up) after her mother (to come ) home.
They (to look) forward to this holiday for many years before they (to manage) to find it.
Mark already (to be) to Africa twice before he (to get) married.
We (to book) our flights weeks before we (to leave).
The scientist (to prepare) the article for two hours before midnight.
I (to cook) breakfast by 5 o’clock.

Ответ оставил Гость

He (had been driving) a car for three hours when he (reached) the airport.
We (had
already packed) all our bags when they ( phoned) us.
It (had been snowing) for hours and no plane was able to take off.
Our guide (had organized) our trip before we ( talked ) to him.
She (washed up) after her mother (had come ) home.
They (had been looking) forward to this holiday for many years before they (managed) to find it.
Mark had already ( been) to Africa twice before he ( got) married.
We (had booked) our flights weeks before we ( left).
The scientist (had been preparing) the article for two hours before midnight.
I (had cooked) breakfast by 5 o’clock.

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