Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

1. Ч The train just (go). Ч You are mistaken, the train (go) 10 minutes ago. 2. Ч Where you (put) my book? I cant find it anywhere. Ч I (put) it on the shelf yesterday. 3. Ч 1 (not see) Mary for ages. And you? Ч I (see) her last summer. 4. Ч You ever (dream) to become an astronaut? Ч I (dream) to be an astronaut in my childhood. 5. Ч Ann (ring) me up today? Ч Yes, she (ring) you up in the morning, and she just (ring) you up but you were out. 6. Ч We (not get) any letters from Phill for a long time. And you? Ч I (get) a letter from him two days ago. 7. Ч The dog just (eat) my sandwich. Ч No wonder, it is hungry, you (not feed) it yesterday evening. 8. I never (be) in St. Petersburg. And you? Ч I (be) there in May. 9. Ч You (bring) the papers I need? Ч Yes, 1 (bring) them in the evening. 10. Ч You (read) any books about Harry Porter? Ч Certainly, I (read) all of them last month

Ответ оставил Гость

1. The train has just gone. 
You are mistaken, the train gone 10 minutes ago.

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