Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Circle the correct words

For examplе: yesterday afternoon there WAS/were a scary film on TV.

1. There was/were some ghost in it.
2. I was/were very scared!
3.Mum and Dad wasn`t/weren`t there.
4. I was/wasn`t hungry but i didn`t eat.
5.There was/wasn`t a pizza in the kitchen but the film 7. was/were called "Pizza Panic".
I didn`t go in the kitchen!

Ответ оставил Гость

1. There was some ghost in it.
2. I was very scared!
3. Mum and Dad weren`t there.
4. I was hungry but i didn`t eat.
5.There was a pizza in the kitchen
7. but the film was called "Pizza Panic".

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