Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

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срочно,нужно составить маленький,но связный рассказ до 7 предложений про знаменитого вора Альберто Спаггиари НА АНГЛИЦСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ по вот этим вопросам
1 When and where did he live?2 Why was he an outlaw?3 What did he do?4 How did he die?

Ответ оставил Гость

Albert Spaggiari was born 14 Dec 1932 in Loran-Montagen, France. He spent his childhood in hyères, where his mother worked in a lingerie store.Albert Spaggiari committed a lot of crimes ,namely theftSpadari, as officially reported by the Italian police, died under "mysterious circumstances". The press reported that the body Shagari was found by his mother in front of her house 10 June 1989, being born in France of unknown friends. However, it was later established that his wife Emily was with him when he died of throat cancer on June 8, 1989 in a country house in Belluno (Italy). She drove the corpse from Italy to hyères, lied to the police that takes the meat.

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