Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Рассказ о украинском спортсмене 8 предложений

Ответ оставил Гость

Yana Aleksandrovna Klochkova (August 7, 1982) is a Ukrainian swimmer who won 5 Olympic medals, including 4 golds. His golden medals won the 2000 Summer Olympics 2000 and 2004 in complex sailing at distances of 200 and 400 meters; She received the silver medal in 2000 games in free-style swimming at a distance of 800 meters. Coaches athlete - Nina and Alexander Kozhuhov. Records set by Plachina: ● World record of 400 m complex sailing at the Olympic Games in Sydney; ● European record 200 m with integrated swimming; ● installed 50 records of Ukraine in 25 and 50-meter basins at distances of 100m, 200m, 400m with complex swimming and 200m, 400m and 800m free style, 100m and 200m on the back, 200m with butterfly and in relay

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