Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the present simple or present continuous.
1. Jason ………………...…..(not/come) with us this evening.
2. What ………………………… (this sign/mean)?
3. We …………………………… (usually/meet) at the sports centre every Wednesday afternoon.
4. Greg ………………………………(train) for the next Olympic Games.
5. Michael Burns is very rich. He ……………………… (own) a department store.
6. John and Mary …………………………. (play) chess at the moment.
7. Peter ………………………. (not/usually/have) bacon and eggs for breakfast.
8. My father ………………… (buy) a newspaper every day.
9. Mr and Mrs Dean ……………………….. (not/go) to Mexico tomorrow.
10. “………………………… (Piere/speak) English?”
“No, but he ……………………. (speak) French.”

Ответ оставил Гость

1. doesnt come
2. does this sign mean
3. usually meet
4. Is training
5. Is owning
6. Are playing
7. Doesnt usually have
8. Buys
9. Dont go
10. Does piere speak
Doesnt speak
Это на месте пропусков писать, если что

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