Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

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I come from England but now I live permanently in Québec, Canada. When my parents (1) _BRING_____ me to Canada, I was fifteen. It was the winter and I (2) IMPRESS_____ by the amount of snow there. I asked my new friends what they usually (3)__DO______ for entertainment in such a cold climate. Their answer was simple, “In winter (4)_CHILD____ and adults go skiing and skating.”
Before arriving in Canada I had never tried skating and my Canadian ice experience was really painful. To start with, it took (5)_I____ half an hour to put on the skates. I (6)_NOT/KNOW_____ how to move so my new friends showed me some basic techniques. However, when I was left alone on the ice, I (7) _FALL____ over immediately. When I opened my eyes, my new friends were standing around. They weren’t laughing, they looked worried. “Are you OK?” they asked.
“Fine,” I said, “I wish I (8) _CAN____ skate as easily as you do.” “You definitely will,” they smiled. And they were right. By the end of my (9)_ONE____ winter in Canada, I felt confident on the ice. More than that, I found out that skating was a really exciting activity!

Ответ оставил Гость

1. brought
2.was impressed
6. didn
8. could
9. first

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