Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Краткий пересказ (самое главное, буквально предложений 5-7)
If you stand at the end of a train track and look down it, what do you see? The further down the tracks you look the closer the two tracks seem to be. Eventually, they appear to touch, 1)but we all know that they dont really.
Our eyes are simply playing tricks on us. So, why dont our eyes always see the world as it really is? Well, simply because seeing is a complicated process! Our eyes work together with our brain to understand what we are seeing. Because our eyes take in images all day long, our brain tries to help us to make them simpler 2)so that we dont worry about unimortant details. Our brain then learns how to see things a certain way, 3)which may not always be correct! When we watch TV, for example, our brain has learnt to see movement, but in reality we are seeing a series of individual images very quickly. This is why we can have so much fun with optical illusions!
Our brain sees things that arent really there, 4)or fails to see something that is there
Optical illusions can teach us some important lessons about life. Firstly, there may be more to a situation than we see at first, just as we may see one thing when we first look at a picture, 5)and something else when we continue to stare at it
Also, there is often more than one way to see things. Its okay if you and your friend have a different opinion about something, for example. You are just seeing things in a different way, thats all!

Ответ оставил Гость

The text tells that our eyes can see what is not visible. Our brain sees it as it should. Someone sees ghosts but this can be an optical illusion. we see the world differently. Our eyes sometimes deceive us and sometimes show amazing things.

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