Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

What this talk is about? 2. How many people are in a talk? 3. What preferences do a caller request?

Ответ оставил Гость

This talk is about communication with others and saying what you think, even you can teach someone like a teacher.
It deepens, if your teaching a class, maybe fifteen to thirty people, if in a conversation there could be 2 to a big and very big crowd.
 For example, you can not turn a conversation into an interrogation, ask questions like "Who am I talking to?" or "What do you need?" We must follow our dictation. If you speak with an accent, try to speak clearly.
 Avoid the habit of clamping the microphone by hand to say something to the colleagues the customer can hear *.If your partner or client makes a complaint on the phone, do not say to him: "This is not my fault", "I do not do it", "Our products never leave

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