Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Match the words with opposite meanings.

To destroy a) to pollute

To prohibit b) to clean

To protect c) to create

To litter d) to unpack

To wrap e) to allow

………/ 5

Fill if the article “the” is necessary.

He lives in …….. USA.

Felix has already been to …… France.

They climbed …….. Alps, …….. Caucasus and …….. Pamirs.

I swam in all the oceans except ……… Artic Ocean.

…….. Volga is the longest river in …….. Europe.

…………./ 5

Be careful with grammar tenses. (The Past continuous and the Past Simple)

When my friend and I (to go)………………………. outside, it (to rain) ……………………………………heavily.

When Peter’s mum (to come) …………………….. into his room, he (to watch) ……………………………… the stars through the telescope.

I (to talk) ……………………………………… on the phone with Ann, when the film (to begin) …………………


Read the text and do the tasks.

It is not easy to fancy our life without newspapers, magazines, tabloids, and reviews of all kinds. And what was the first newspaper like? When was it made?

The earliest newspaper appeared in 59 BC (before Christ – до Рождества Христова) in Rome. It was a handwritten daily newspaper. It was very little – only one sheet. Julius Caesar, the Emperor of Rome, ordered to post them throughout the city to inform the people about political events, scandals, military conflicts and executions (казни).

In Europe printed newspapers appeared in the 15th century, when the letter press (пресс для печатания) was invented. In the 16th century the newspapers increased greatly. People began to read more and the post developed quickly. The first daily newspaper in England was The Daily Courant; its first issue was published in London in 1702. In France the first daily newspaper Journal de Paris appeared in 1777, and soon after that , in 1784, The Pennsylvania Packet became the first daily newspaper of the United States.


What kind of text have you just read?

A fairy tale

An adventure story

A historical story

Mark the sentences as true (T) or false (F)

a) The first newspapers in Rome only contained the information about the life of the Emperor.______

b) In Rome it was prohibited to write about military events.______

c) Daily newspapers became widely read in Europe in the 19th century.______

3) What do the words “it was a handwritten daily newspaper” mean?

a) Это была от руки написанная ежедневная газета.

b) Это была рукописная ежедневная газета

с) Эта ежедневная газета была написана хорошим почерком.

4) What is the best title of this text?

a) “The first newspapers”

b) “The history of the newspaper”

c) “The printed newspapers”


Write down the sentences using Conditional II or III

If I (to play the guitar) ……………………………………………., I (to become) ……………………………….

a famous rock star (II)

If the weather (to be) …………………………….. sunny and warm, we (to go)………………………….

to the country (III)

If she(to ring) ………………………………….. me up, I (to tell) ……………………………………….. her the news (II)


Change the sentences in direct speech into reported speech.

The boy said to his friend: “Will you come to my birthday party?”


Bob says to a small boy: “Don’t play in the street”.


Lucy said to Ann: “I am very glad to meet you”.


The tourist asked the policeman: “How can I get to the Picture Gallery?”



Помогите пожалуйста кто какие сможет!!!

Ответ оставил Гость

1 задание.

2 задание.
1. the
2. -
3. the, the, the
4. the
5.the, -

3 задание:
1. When my friend and I went outside, It was raining heavily.
2. When Peter’s mum came into his room, he was watching the stars through the telescope.
3. I was talking on the phone with Ann, when the film began

4 задание:
What kind of text have you just read?
A historical story

Mark the sentences as true (T) or false (F)
a) f
b) f
c) f

3) What do the words “it was a handwritten daily newspaper” mean?

4) What is the best title of this text?
b) “The history of the newspaper”

5 задание:

1. If I played the guitar, I would become a famous rock star.
2. If the weather had been sunny and warm, we would go to the country.
3. If she rings me up, I will tell her the news.

6 задание:

1. The boy asked his friend, if he would come to his birthday party.
2. Bob said to a small boy not play in the street.
3. Lucy said to Ann that she very glad to meet you”.
4. The tourist asked the policeman how he could get to the Picture Gallery.

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