Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Помогите с английским,пожалуйста
Task 3.

Put in a/an or some where necessary. If no word is necessary, leave the space empty.

1) Ive seen ___________ good films recently.

2) Whats wrong with you? Have you got __________ headache?

3) I know a lot of people. Most of them are students.

4) When I was child, I used to be very shy.

5) Would you like to be actor?

6) Do you collect stamps?

7) What beautiful garden!

8) birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly.

9) Ive been walking for three hours. Ive got sore feet.

Task 4.

Put in a/an or the in these sentences where necessary.

1) Would you like apple?

2) How often do you go to dentist?

3) Could you close door, please?

4) Im sorry. I didnt mean to do that. It was mistake

5) Excuse me, where is bus station, please?

6) Ive got problem. Can you help me?

Ответ оставил Гость

2) a
3)не надо
4)не надо
5)would you like to be an actor ?
6)не надо
7)what a beautiful garden
8)birds , for an example the penguin , cannot fly
9)не надо менять

1) would you like an apple?
2)how often do you go to the dentist ?
3)could you close the door, please?
4)im sorry i didnt mean to do that . it was a mistake.
5)exuse me ,where is the bus station ,please?
6)iv got a problem .can you help me

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