Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Complete the tag-questions.
EXAMPLE:You the letter yesterday,didn t you?
1.you speak French,................................. ?
2.We can t go sightseeing now,....................................?
3.The sportsman will miss the match tomorrow,...........................?
4.Alise isn t afraid of darkness,.....................................?
5.The young singer took part in the concert,...................................?
6.They were hapy to talk to the famous actor,.......................?

Ответ оставил Гость

1. You speak French, dont you?
2. We cant go sightseeing now, can we?
3. The sportsman will miss the match tomorrow wont he?
4. Alise isnt afraid of darkness, is she?
5. The young singer took part in the concert, didnt he?
6. They were happy to talk to the famous actor, werent they?

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