Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Work in small groups and find out who takes the greatest interest in the theatre. Ask:
- if your friends have ever been to the theatre;
- what thatre(s) they go to or have been to;
- if they often (not very often, seldom, hardly ever) go to the theatre;
- if they know names of famous Russian theatres;
- if they know any names of famous Russian actors or actresses;
- of they can give some names of well-knows Russian dramatists;
- if they can give some names of famous dramatists from other countries;
- what names of popular operas and ballets they know;
-what Russian composers wrote and write music for operas and ballets;
- what famous opera houses around the world they know and where they are situated.

Ответ оставил Гость

 have  you ever been to the theatre?
 what thatre(s) have you been to
-Do you  often go to the theatre
- Do you know names of famous Russian theatres
- Do you know any names of famous Russian actors or actresses
 can  you give any  names of well-knows Russian dramatists
- can you give any names of famous dramatists from other countries
- what names of popular operas and ballets do you  know
-what Russian composers did  write music for operas and ballets
- what famous opera houses around 
the world do you know ? where  are they situated?

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