Дежи, надеюсь, что мой английский не подведёт)
A)1. Im sorry, but I have to go. I have to meet Betty at the cinema. Its already a quarter to seven! She must be waiting for me. Ill have to take the bus. 2. Their house had to be knocked down, and he had to move to another area. 3. You could warn me that you will not come; I would not have to wait so long for you. 4. There was no need for you to go there, they could come by themselves. 5. It was not necessary to talk with him like that: still he is older than you. 6. You should have thought about this before; now this can not be corrected. 7. You in vain ordered a hotel room. We have a guest room. 8. Can I ask you some questions? 9. The weather is good, and we could go out of town. 10. Did you believe them? They probably joked about you.
B)1. He had to move closer to hear her. 2. The next day my brother took me for a walk, and in the evening we had to dine with the greens. 3. You will have much to do. If you could come to me on Sundays, I would be happy to study with you. 4. He must have not told them anything, and they may be packing up. 5. Last year I lived close to the institute, and I did not have to get up as early as now. 6. I think that you should not pay attention to this. Should I worry about trifles? 7. You must have all read this book. If not, then you should read it as soon as possible so that you can discuss it in the classroom. 8. You should not have spoken to him like that. He could be offended. 9. On Monday I still can not give you a definite answer.
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