Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

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1When have you seen this film?

2Do not forget to buy a jam!

3Look at what they did!

4Nobody was absent. All members arrived.

5Do not bother me! I copy very important information.

6What languages are spoken in UK?

7How are they? They are good, thanks.

8Turn off light!

9Who are you? I am a businessman.

10Who does play hockey in your group?

11We are launching a new product. Product has all chances for success.

12I was sure I will never see her again.

13This problem discussed at the yesterday’s symposium.

14He lives in small village.

15Car of my mum is red.

16To avoid farther questions I would like to explain everything in detail.

17 I want you know all the facts.

18 Who is on this photo?

19 When I came in my sister cooked breakfast.

20 If you will find his contacts tell me.

21 I feel strong pain in right side.

22 Have you to work in winter?

23 This composition was sung M. Jackson.

24 Do you can speak Italian?

25 Need I to come if he will be away at this time?

Ответ оставил Гость

1 When did you see this film?
2 Dont forget to buy jam.
3 Look at what they did yesterday?
4 Nobody was absent. All members have arrived
5 Dont bother me! I am copying very important document.
6 What languages are spoken in the UK?
7 How are they? They are fine, thanks.
8 Turn off the light!
9 What do you do? I am a businessman.
10 Who plays hockey in your group?
11 We are laughing a new product. The product has all changes for success.
12 I am sure I will never see her again.
13 This problem was discussed at the yesterday s symposium.
14 He lives in a small village.
15 My mums car is red.
16 To avoid further questions I would like to explain everything in details.
17 I want you to know all the facts.
18 Who is in this photo?
19 When I came in my sister was cooking breakfast.
20 If you find his contacts tell me.
21 I feel strong pain in the right side like
22 Do you work in winter?
23 This composition was sung by M. Jackson.
24 Do you speak Italian?
25 Need I come to if he is away at this time?

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