Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Сочинение на тему "Россия родина моя" на английском языке. Минимум 15 предложений.

Ответ оставил Гость

I was born in the most wonderful country in Russia. Im a patriot, thats why I love my country. For me, this is the best country, because it is in it that my parents live that gave me life, and in it I grew up. Russia is a big country with unlimited possibilities. I do not understand those who want to leave this place, as if in other countries life is much better. Our people can not win, because we are strong in spirit and never give up a comrade in trouble. Of course, in Russia, as in other countries, there are problems, but they are in all countries. Therefore, do not look for a better life abroad, because its not for nothing that they say that its good everywhere where we are not. There are foreigners who want to live in our country, so we should appreciate what we have. Such a beautiful and vast homeland there is no one, only the inhabitants of our country. We must cherish Russia and be proud that we were born here.

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