Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Complete the sentences with the verbs in Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1) We (own) this TV set since 1968, and it still works!
2) you (see) the moon last night?
3) you (buy) a new car this year?
4) I (lose) my binder yesterday, but my brother found it this morning.
5) - "When he (arrive) ?" - "He arrived at 2 oclock."
6) They (go) to England in 2005.

Ответ оставил Гость

1 We have owned this TV set since 1968 , and it still works!
2 Did you see the moon last night?
3 Have you bought a new car this year?
4 I lost my brother yesterday, but my brother found it this morning.
5 When did he arrive? He arrived at 2 oclock.
6 They went to England in 2005.

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