Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Заполните пропуски данными словами:

captain, coach, draw, fair, football ground, footballer, fouls, penalty kick, goal,

kick-off, league, opponents, referee, score, soccer

1. What Europeans call "football", Americans call … .

2. The instructor of the team is the … .

3. When you play in a football team you are a … .

4. The games take place on a … .

5. The leader of the team is the … .

6. The man in the … is the goal-keeper.

7. The beginning of the match is the … .

8. During the match each team tries to … as many goals as possible.

9. When the teams have scored the same number of goals we say its a … .

10. The players of the other team are the … .

11. The man who enforces the rules during the game is the … .

12. Playing correctly is called … play.

13. Unfair moves are called … .

14. When a player breaks the rules the other team may get a … .

15. A federation of football clubs is called a football … .

Ответ оставил Гость

1, soccer
2 coach
3 footballer
4 football ground
5 captain
6 goal
7 kick off
8 score
9 draw
10 opponents
11 referee
12 fair
1 3 fouls
14 penalty kick
15 league

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