Опубликовано 26.01.2018 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

СРОЧНО!!!ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!!Use the appropriate words to complete the sentences 1) At the end of a school year pupils look(forward/through to their summer holidays. 2) When will the new textbook be(printed/published) and appear in the shops? 3) We dont often meet each other but(generally/occasionally) w do. 4) Even among her friends she felt(alone/lonely). 5) John tried hard to com- plete the job on time but(failed/failure). 6) I would like to discuss the problem with you in(private/general). I dont think Dianna should know about it 7) They had(fun/trouble playing on the stage. Everybody enjoyed the perfor mance. 8) In my opinion he(ied/lay to you. 9) The Gnvention/investigation) of the Internet has changed the life of people. 10) I found the talk about Alice favourite books absolutely 11) He was looking(f after a job as a builder. 12) The photos from the family album okept/brought) the days of our life in Australia to mind. 13) A big dog was(pushing/pulling sledge with a child.

Ответ оставил Гость

1) forward
2) published
3) generally
4) lonely
5) failed
6) private
7) fun
8) lied
9) invention
10) в задании не вижу вариантов ответа
11) looking for
12) kept
13) pulling

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